Round-the-clock support from trained employees in a nurturing home designed to support you in your journey through life.
Customized in-home and community support for children and youth with a range of medical conditions, motor abilities, and cognitive and behavioural needs.
Customized support to help you get the most out of living on your own.
Try out living independently (with daily support to make the transition) in an apartment for six weeks, to find out if you feel ready to live on your own.
Live in a safe, well-maintained building especially for seniors in need of affordable housing.
In-home or community supports that help you increase your independence.
Full-service, wrap-around supports to help you grow in all aspects of your life, from connecting with new friends to developing new skills.
Support from Inclusion Counselors to develop new skills and build new friendship that will help you to get the most out of your community.
Training and practical experience to get you ready for that job you’ve been waiting for.
Support from trained specialists to find and keep the right job for you.